If you glance at the home page you will notice that I have added a small ticker from the Ticker Factory. The ticker is my goal for the remainder of August and it sits at a goal of 100 miles. Now, that is a huge goal. But I figure if I can make the time to reach the goal then it will give me a better chance of reaching my long term goal maybe a shade quicker.
What is my long-time goal? Well to fit back in my favorite pair of jeans. I don’t really have a weight goal, just a jean goal. *sigh*
My goal for the day is to keep a tally on my caloric intake and stay under the calorie goal I chose for myself at My Fitness Pal. My handle is Mommacan so please if you need a health boost join us.
I met a couple of gals on line last night who are like me, dancing in the forties range. Fitness Pal has a pretty nice sized community to find support.
What is your goal for the day?
Eating healthy, getting a bit of exercise or drinking ice cold water instead of soda pop?
Health is important, I almost lost my brother a few months back due to health and I never want to have that feeling again.
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