It occurred to me a couple of days ago, that I have become one of those Yo-Yo dieters I take that back, I start a diet for two days and quit because I am to busy even to make a simple salad. I go through this phase of looking at myself in my early 30’s and wishing I was still a size 3 and then looking at reality and knowing that I am fast approaching 50! OMG! I still have a grade schooler aged child at home and I will turn 50 in two years!
The stress of raising two boys so far apart has been interesting, but the biggest part as a work at home, volunteering mom is the impact all of these activities have taken on me. I am not happy with the way I look any longer. I slid by for so many years taking care of others riding the wave of a youth metabolism.
WELL, that metabolism has retired… and now I need to take care of me.
I have so many things to think about.
Are you and overwhelmed middle-aged mom? How do you cope with taking care of you and everybody else?
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