What happens when your are a mom for 28 years?
What happens when you parent for28 years and your forget who you are?
What happens if you parented so early in your 20’s that you never discovered who you are?
What is my favorite color? Whatever my husband’s is…
What is my favorite band? Who knows? I dont get to listen to my music in the car.
What do I like to wear? Whatever is on sale at Target of course, its the only store open when I have free time.
What do I like to eat? Roastbeef… I remember that and porkchops.
What if I could make pork chops and roastbeef every week?
Well, you can’t. Your husband only eats chicken so you make chicken.
What???? Yes, just chicken.
What the hell?
What happens when you scream you need a break and you husband asks you what that means?
What if you can’t answer because you have never had a break unless you were sick.
W is for What
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