In a nut shell. It gets really hard when you are detoxing around folks who are not eating on the same plan. Just buying the food for my son’s lunches for camp was a big trial.
I thought and prayed long and hard last night and lost a little sleep thinking. I really do not want my child to eat garbage, why am I so weak?
I know he would benefit immensely with healthier snack choices even if they are chocolate!
Pray for me and I will pray for you!
Pray that I will make better choices for myself and my family.
On a brighter side here are the stats starting my Day 8.
I have lost 5 pounds in 7 days and 3.25 inches total on my belly and butt which are my most trouble spots. I have lost some in my thighs but I started off only measuring one so it is not very accurate.
Next round will last a month with travel. It will be tough, tough, tough, I am bringing the damn scale with me. I would never had done so when I was skinny! LOL
Love to you all,
Pam aka Momma
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