Today I am thankful for those few family restaurants that are still around. With their worn comfortable seats and friendly owners you can’t help but be happy and enjoy the home cooked meals.
30 Days of Thanks Day 9
I am a bit behind because me and my little guy both caught the stomach flu. So on day 9 I was very thankful for soda crackers, water, and ginger tea.
30 Days of Thanks Day 8 – My Husband
30 Days of Thanks Day 8 – My Husband Let’s face it, I could spend an hour typing my husband’s amazing qualities as a aw husband, father, employer, musician, and all around great human being but let just leave it like this. My Husband Is Awesome.
30 Days of Thanks – My Love of Cooking
30 Days of Thanks Day 7- Cooking My love of cooking. I am so happy that I know how to cook. I have learned over time and from experience that cooking is a dying skill. This makes me sad. How on earth will this world look 10 years from now if the art and skill […]