I is for Istanbul My father was stationed at an Air Force Base near Istanbul, Turkey in the late sixties when I was a toddler learning the ways and means of the world. We had one television station and an olive garden in the backyard to play to our hearts content. My brother and I […]
H is for Health
H is for Health Health is not a four letter word. Health is how you feel when wake up in the morning, the choices you make in the day, and how you feel when you lay your head down at night. There is no perfect path to anyone’s health but there are choices. 1. Realize […]
G is for Granny
I miss my granny Vega. I miss her laughter and the way she handled a room full of children with just a word or two to settle us down, not out of fear but out of love for her. I love that her boys respected her and still depended on her for the best home […]
F is for Frenchfry
Crispy on the outside Tender on the inside The perfect companions to a meal The comforting snack on a walking trip in town Tastes great adorned with ketchup But, Sings with gravy and scallions Born of Belgium but claimed by the French Another snack that Americans have made famous Sits happily alongside a burger but […]