I have faired so well in the past 10 days. I know I could have probably worked out harder and longer, if I had time. I probably should have ditched my cheat morning java but all in all it has been a success. I lost some inches 3.7 inches over all on my belly and […]
10 Day Detox Days 6 and 7
In a nut shell. It gets really hard when you are detoxing around folks who are not eating on the same plan. Just buying the food for my son’s lunches for camp was a big trial. I thought and prayed long and hard last night and lost a little sleep thinking. I really do not […]
Day 3 – 10 Day Detox by Dr. Hyman
Yesterday, was a bit tought to be honest. However, I must advise that the book did say I would have some funk from the detox and ridding my body of toxins coupled with the shock of NOT having sugary this and that.. meaning sugar and carbs that really are sugar in the grand scheme of […]
Day 2 -10 Day Detox- Feeling Motivated with Weely Meal Plan
I completed day two of the 10 Day Detox and am feeling super motivated. I have not lost much in inches but am now down 4 POUNDS! I mean, I am chubby, not super-sized, like those nasty fast food fries that I am drawn to like a fly to and apple pie, so this is amazing. […]