Big change coming up at this old gal’s house next week. Finally, we will be getting rid of the remaining Berber carpet. The absolute worse decision of my life in decor was Berber carpet, just glances at the light vanilla flat carpet made it dirty, never mind have two boys, a husband an a dog tracking dirt from the outdoors and the foundry (family business).
That carpet has brought me to tears more times than I care to count, and it is finally leaving!
I chose this photo to represent the first and second step of big changes around the house. The floors first and then the master bath as soon as we find a good contractor and all the products we love.
Later folks I have some major packing upstairs today and my little guy left his lunch on the counter so I am off to school.
Question: Does change in your home lift your spirits or cause stress due to the abruption of your daily routine?
I’m on the fence about change and trying to learn to love it. I can’t wait to see your new floors!