” Hates breathe disappeared at the door and did not dare enter our solitude, not that day.”
I gotta ton to do today. But I was just remembering my tour of MLK museum in Memphis. There was something about that place that I have only felt once or twice in my life. The most profound was in Eureka Springs, Arkansas at John Michael Talbot place. He was on tour but there was another musician there that took us on tour. I wish I could remember his name. But it is not important. When I walked in I felt and knew that this was a holy place.
It was the same in the hallway near the place of King’s death. I felt the love of those around me holding, clinging to each other. We were all different in that hallway. I mean folks travel there and often times tourist from Graceland end up at the site where King was assassinated.
You open a door that leads to the original space and there are two rooms, one for King and one for another gentleman traveling. There may have been more, it escapes me.
There is solitude yet togetherness. The pain around some of the visitor’s eyes was evident. We looked across to each other and you just knew that hate had no business on this walkway to the balcony where King died. But yet it came and it took his life. But the little community gathered to remember and reflect, we were all connected. Hates breathe disappeared at the door and did not dare enter our solitude, not that day.
I could write for days on how much hate hurts. I will never forget a little redhead in Chris’s pre school asking me why my son’s skin was so dark. As if he was assigned the wrong paint job at the factory. Being of Latin descent never crossed my mind until I happen to have a kid with color. I got schooled pretty quickly. ( well, a couple of times but I learned to ignore it)
But this is not what I want to say. Hate hurts. Hate prevents beauty.
If hate had ruled my life I would not have had the privilege of hanging out with some of the most important people in my life. Gay, White, Black, Brown, Pink, Purple, Rich, Poor, Big, Little, Short, Tall, Educated by Paper or Educated by hard knocks. Each person on my path has been incredible and I can’t imagine my life without them.
Well, now I am rambling but that is okay.
My Birthday resolution for the past year was to “Lead By Example: but it was mostly for my home and family.
This year I am going to remember St. Terese and take more seriously being the Hands and Feet of Christ. Meaning, that I am not going sit and just watch the news and be depressed about all the unkindness and hate. I am going to find ways not just to lift my candle as a flickering beacon of light, but grab a torch and hold it high without fear.
My birthday proclamation is to “live without fear, to do good works, and stand up for what is right”. If I am afraid to set an example for Johnny then I am not doing the parenting job God gave me.
So, this is my birthday proclamation.
Pray for me I will pray for you,
~ Miss You Mikey.
Well said. Wonderful vision for your birthday year. Love the image of lifting a torch to light the way rather than a candle. Happy birthday, sweets! It’s going to be a great year.