The other day I was listening to my favorite radio station KFI AM 640. John and Ken were gabbing back and forth and then there was a short commercial break. Some weight loss guru was trying to sell his protein shake and I was half heartedly listening until I heard him mention women in their forties. My ears perked up. He said something to the effect that women in my age range need to burn an extra 100 calories per day just to maintain our current weight. Of course, there are many factors to consider, muscle mass, life style, eating due to stress or eating during the holidays. But you get the jest of it. I felt as if the magic 100 may be obtainable. But I needed a little bit more information.
So this morning I Goggled Maintaining Your Weight In Your Forties and found this article on Web MD.
Fighting 40’s Flab – I know what a perfect article title.
So, if you browse through the article you will see that they do mention 100 calories but they focus on eating 100 calories less per day. That is about three flavored coffee at Starbucks without the whip or half a less slice of thin crust pizza. I believe we could all let go of these things.
So this week I am going to keep Eating Clean to the best of my ability and make sure that I burn those 100 calories plus a few more.
What about you? Can you commit to burn 100 to keep your current weight?
My next Google Experience will be to find ways for moms to burn those 100 and more while actually maintaining their home. How cool would it be to knock out two birds with one stone. Not that I would actually knock out a bird. I kind of like birds, especially chickadees. Wait I am rambling when I should be signing off and burning my 100.
Cutting 100 calories isn’t too bad, I think I could commit to doing that, one less snack or so a day or no coffee. Thanks for sharing the great weight management tip!
Following you from Finding New Friends Weekend Blog Hop. I like this post – That is such an easy way to cut 100 calories….I’ll let you know how it goes! I’m hoping to lose 70 lbs in the next year. Ambitious? YES – but, I’m gonna try!